Proposed Roundabout Portobello and Valin open house Jan 16, 2020

Proposed roundabout at Portobello and Valin

Proposed roundabout at Portobello and Valin

The CCCA received the following information from the City of Ottawa.

The City of Ottawa invites residents to learn about the proposed roundabout at Portobello Boulevard and Valin Street.

Date & Time
Thursday, January 16, 2020,
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

South Fallingbrook Community Centre
998 Valin Street
Orleans, ON

At the Open House information will be provided on:

  1. Invite residents to learn about the proposed roundabout at Portobello Boulevard and Valin Street
  2. Provide answers to questions residents may have regarding why a roundabout has been selected

The Open House has been organized in the form of a drop-in session. The study team will be available to discuss the information provided on display boards and answer questions from the public.

For more information, please visit:

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