The following is an update from the Office of Councillor Luloff, City of Ottawa.
Hello everyone,
I am emailing this afternoon to provide you with some information from our office regarding the Covid-19 Testing Center that will be opening at the Ray Friel Center in Orleans.
Having worked alongside the Montfort Hospital, Ottawa Public Health and City Staff for the last few weeks securing a site suitable for testing in Orléans, the separation of public accessing recreation centre, school and those being tested is a priority consideration for the project team.
Great progress is already happening on the project since the announcement on September 21st 2020. Here is what we know:
- Rink 3 of the Ray Friel Rec Complex will become the COVID Testing Centre managed and operated by Hôpital Montfort.
- This location was chosen after evaluating several sites in Orléans based on a number of criteria, such as the need for a safe environment, the size of the available space, the accessibility of the site for people with reduced mobility, the proximity of public transit services, free parking, the scope of the redevelopment work required, rental costs, etc.
- A new door will be added to the Ray-Friel Recreation Complex to allow people who come to the clinic to enter and leave without any contact with people using the other services of the recreation complex, which will remain open. The access to the rest of the complex will be blocked off for patients of the clinic. Even the ventilation system for this skating rink will be independent and completely separate from the rest of the complex.
- Construction has already started
- Adults and children as young as six months of age will be able to receive care and be tested for COVID-19
- The site will be operated by staff and physicians from Montfort, as well as primary care physicians.
- City of Ottawa Traffic experts, overseen by the Montfort Hospital project team, will evaluate and review traffic flow and patterns to recommend optimal, safe access.
Recommendations for testing include:
- Symptomatic persons:
o Anyone showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
- Asymptomatic (not showing symptoms) persons with close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 positive case:
o No earlier than 5 days after initial close contact* with a confirmed case.
o Timing of testing is important as a person may be incubating (the time it takes for the disease to develop) and COVID-19 may not show on the test result if tested too early.
o Even if after waiting 5 days to be tested the result is negative, it remains important to self-isolate and monitor for symptoms for 14 days from exposure to the confirmed case. You will be helping to protect others because COVID-19 can develop up to 14 days after exposure even if you receive a negative test result.
For more details please refer to the Ottawa Public Health website:
More details will follow on the planned opening in October, including hours of operations. The objective is to ensure minimal disruption to the school, recreation complex and library. We will use every channel available to support Hôpital Montfort’s communication plan related to the testing site in Orléans.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.
Thank you and have a great day.
Scott Norris
Office of Councillor Matthew Luloff | Bureau du Conseiller Matthew Luloff
Quarrier Orléans Ward 1
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