Hello Cardinal Creek Residents,
On Thursday May 3 (this Thursday), I will be stepping down from the Cardinal Creek Community Association after 14 years of community building in Cardinal Creek and 25-years as a community builder in Orléans.
I would kindly ask that you join us to celebrate what we have accomplished in our community (slide show), to say thank you to those individuals who have made a positive difference in Cardinal Creek, to celebrate the friendships that we have developed over the years and to continue to make our community a better place to live, work and play. I have attached below a partial list of 100 individuals who have contributed to our community over the years to recognize them. Thank you
I am pleased that Sandra Stefanik will be assuming the role of CCCA President. Your continued support and participation will be key as the new Board moves forward with activities such as the Annual Tree Planting and Garage Sale on May 5, Movie Night in the Park in August and the opening of Coyote Trail Park (last park in CC) in Fall 2018.
I would like to thank you all for contributing to one of the best and most vibrant community in Orléans.
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday night at South Fallingbrook Community Centre (attached to Maple Ridge elementary school) at 7 p.m. and in our community this summer as I plan on taking a lot more walks and admiring what we have built together.
Sean Crossan
President, CCCA
AGM: Thursday, May 3
Nominations for new CCCA Board members closed on April 30. Come and meet your new Board at the AGM this Thursday, May 3 at 7 p.m. at the Fallingbrook Community Centre (attached to Maple Ridge School) on Valin and you will be eligible to win a KIDDE Digital Readout Carbon Monoxide Alarm! Coffee and cookies will be served.
Tree Planting Day
This Saturday, May 5 our goal is to plant over 500 saplings at our annual tree planting day, in cooperation with 4th Orleans Scouts and the City of Ottawa. Join us for a great outdoor get-together and help us make our community green(er)! We will meet at 9 a.m. at the entrance to the walking path at the east end of Watters Road, after the pavement turns to gravel.
Greater Orleans Garage Sale
Also, this Saturday, May 5, communities in greater Orleans will be joining together for a massive garage sale event. Put out your previously loved items and let someone take them off your hands! People start coming by 7:30 a.m. so set your alarm, get your coffee maker perking and clean out that storage room!
Thanks to all those who have contributed to the building of the Cardinal Creek community
1.Sandra Stefanik JF Claude Rachel Kelderman-Cyr Scott Rennie Todd Tyrie
Naim Ghawi Olu Saul Genevieve Binet Kassya Murray Brant Pethick
Martin D’Anjou Kathleen Black Neil Congdon Mike Dunne Chico Diotte
Sandra Khawam Jeff Lapointe Kenny Jamer Luke Paquette Paul Dittman
Peter Levick Kevin Bloodworth (RIP) Sandra Anthony Jeremie Sigioun Callum O’Connor
Virginia Dyet Olivia Gov Dan Ampleman Ced Maisonneuve Jean Ouellette
Genevieve Gainery Iris Gov Kyle Templeton Murray Alce Cole Dittman
Jessyca Mebrahtu Viresh Asokan Catherine Pitre Jason Morin Nathaniel Patel
Matthew Gearke Momeo Herwi Nancy Gardner Mitchell Chabot Tristan Saul
Bhupendra Patel Andre Paroyan Isabelle Skalski Kirsch Brewer Benjamin Fischer
Jason Courteau Jason Storm Andre Demers Pat Daoust Beth Halfkenny
Rob Dunphy Bruce Holland Patrick Blais Bree Moire Dianna Muir
Sylvain Maheu Dale Porter Justin Laporte James Melia CA Diekes
Cory Allen James Kelderman Stephan Hopper-Naud Josh Bordeau Carlos Condi
Marc Paquette Lechelle Landry Chantal Prouse Dallas Dunne Dan Boehner
Andrew Henricks Tristan Blais AJ Gaerke Mike Bush Carole Lalande
Simon Cousineau Robert Lafortune Francois Hacault Megan Sartori James McCullum
Michele Jodouin Sunida Hurst Jean Laporte Lorne Myers Irelande Crossan
Dominic Scarizzi Laura Dill Estelle Laporte David Burns Jacqueline Crossan
Scott Powell Etienne Poulin Andrew Davis Patrick Beriault Rachel Crossan