Sprucing up Springridge

The Cardinal Creek Community Association is pleased to announce that it will be “Sprucing up Springridge” on Saturday, June 2 from 8:00 a.m. to noon in partnership with Laporte Flower and Nursery (Jean and Estelle), Perry the Painter (Mazzuca) and Councillor Bob Monette.

Our goal is to repaint the three weather beaten Springridge entrance signs, remove the weeds and replant these areas in order to spruce up our community. We will also be creating a new garden entrance in Springridge North on Watters Road.

We are looking for volunteers to weed, shovel earth/cedar chips and plant flowers/shrubbery on June 2. If you are interested in beautifying our community, please send an email to president@cardinalcreek.org by May 30. Further details to follow.

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