Category Archives: public meeting
Call for nominations 2023 – Appel à nominations
The Cardinal Creek Community Association (CCCA) is now accepting nominations for the following Class A (voting Directors) and B (non-voting Committee Directors) positions listed below. Nominations will be accepted by the nominations committee until 11:00 p.m. local time, May 8th, … Continue reading
CCCA Call for Nominations 2022 – ACCC Appel à nominations 2022
The Cardinal Creek Community Association (CCCA) is now accepting nominations for the following Class A (voting Directors) and B (non-voting Committee Directors) positions listed below. Nominations will be accepted by the nominations committee until 11:00 p.m. local time, May 5th, … Continue reading
CCCA AGM June 10, 2021, 7pm – AGA 10 juin 2021, 19h
Dear Residents, You are cordially invited to the Cardinal Creek Community Association (CCCA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Thursday, June 10, 2021 from 7 to 8 p.m. on-line. Please write to to get the participant’s link … Continue reading
CCCA Call for Nominations 2021-2022 / ACCC Appel à nominations 2021-2022
The Cardinal Creek Community Association (CCCA) is now accepting nominations for the following Class A (voting Directors) and B (non-voting Committee Directors) positions listed below. Nominations will be accepted by the nominations committee until 11:00 p.m. local time, April 30, … Continue reading
Notice of public meeting on June 24th/ Avis de réunion publique le 24 juin – 2065 Portobello Boulevard / 2065, boulevard Portobello
Notice of public meeting / Avis de réunion publique – 2065 Portobello Boulevard / 2065, boulevard Portobello – Plan of Subdivision / Plan de lotissement – D07-16-19-0030 This notice is to advise that the City of Ottawa will hold a … Continue reading