Trim Road Realignment

What to Expect in April/May 2015 – Trim Road Re-Alignment Project

  Jeanne D’Arc Blvd (North Service Road) to Joseph Blvd. – Contractor will construct the permanent roundabouts at the Dairy Drive intersection and the St. Joseph Blvd intersection. Contractor will construct the new multi-use pathway along the west side of the roadway and complete concrete curb work along the roadway.

St. Joseph Blvd. to Watters Road – Contractor will construct the new multi-use pathway along the west side of the roadway and continue with landscape work on the west side of this corridor (i.e. the Hill).  

Watters Road to Hydro Transmission Corridor – Contractor will undertake necessary repairs to the asphalt pavement roadway and construct new sidewalks on Watters Road, Portobello Blvd and on Springridge Drive.

Hydro Transmission Corridor to Innes Road – Construction of the new storm sewers and continuation of the construction of the new southbound lanes.

St. Joseph Blvd. (Trim to Tenth Line Road) – Contractor will commence installation of new watermains and sewers.

Old Montreal Road (Trim Road to Dairy Drive) – Traffic will be shifted onto the two new lanes of the roadway. Contractor will undertake the installation of a new watermain and complete the installation of the sanitary sewers on the south side of this corridor. The contractor will also start the excavation of the roadway for the new two eastbound lanes in this area.

Trim Road Park & Ride parking lot – Contractor will reinstate the parking area along the northern edge of this facility.


Travaux prévus en avril et en mai 2015 – Projet de nouveau tracé du chemin Trim

Du boulevard Jeanne D’Arc (voie de desserte nord) au boulevard St-Joseph – L’entrepreneur construira les carrefours giratoires permanents aux croisements de la promenade Dairy et du boulevard St-Joseph. Il aménagera également le nouveau sentier polyvalent du côté ouest de la chaussée et terminera la construction de la bordure de béton le long de la chaussée.

Du boulevard St-Joseph au chemin Watters – L’entrepreneur aménagera le nouveau sentier polyvalent du côté ouest de la chaussée et poursuivra les travaux d’aménagement paysager du côté ouest de ce couloir (c.-à-d. la colline).  

Du chemin Watters au couloir de transport de l’électricité – L’entrepreneur effectuera les réparations nécessaires à la chaussée asphaltée et construira de nouveaux trottoirs le long du chemin Watters, du boulevard Portobello et de la promenade Springridge.

Du couloir de transport de l’électricité au chemin Innes – Construction des nouveaux égouts pluviaux et poursuite des travaux de construction des nouvelles voies en direction sud.

Boulevard St-Joseph (du chemin Trim au chemin Tenth Line) – L’entrepreneur entamera l’installation des nouvelles conduites d’eau principales et des nouveaux égouts.

Chemin Old Montreal (du chemin Trim à la promenade Dairy) – La circulation sera déplacée sur les deux nouvelles voies de la chaussée. L’entrepreneur commencera l’installation d’une nouvelle conduite d’eau principale et terminera celle des égouts domestiques du côté sud de ce couloir. Il entamera également les travaux d’excavation de la chaussée en prévision du passage des deux nouvelles voies en direction est dans ce secteur.

Parc-o-bus du chemin Trim – L’entrepreneur remettra en état l’aire de stationnement longeant la bordure nord de cette installation.


Trim Road Realignment Update #12
(June 27, 2014)

What to Expect in July 2014 – Trim Road Re-Alignment Project

Jeanne D’Arc Blvd (North Service Road) to Dairy Road– contractor to continue the earth excavation, placement of granular subbase materials, and install the concrete curbs for the new northbound lanes.

Dairy Drive to St Joseph Blvd. – Contractor will continue earth excavation and placement of granular subbase material and install the concrete curbs for the new southbound lanes.

St. Joseph Blvd. to Watters Road – Contractor will be installing the concrete curbs and top layer of granular road base material and placement of the asphalt pavement for the new southbound lanes.

Watters Road to Portobello – The Contractor will complete the installation of concrete curbs and the top layer of granular road base material and placement of the asphalt pavement for the new southbound lanes.

Portobello to Innes Road – utility agencies will be on site to continue with the relocation of their infrastructure.  Landscaping will continue between Portobello and the entrance to Springridge Park.

Old Montreal Road (Trim to Cardinal Creek) – the contractor will be installing new sanitary sewers and watermains east of Trim Road.

St. Joseph Blvd. (Trim to Tenth Line Road) – utility agencies will be on site to continue with the relocation of their infrastructure.

Joe Mojsej, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager
Design & Construction – Municipal East Branch
City of Ottawa


Trim Road Realignment Update #11
(January 28, 2014)

What to Expect in February 2014 – Trim Road Re-Alignment Project

OR  174 to Dairy Road – Installation of new storm sewers will take place on the east side of the corridor.

Dairy Drive to St Joseph Blvd. – Contractor will be installing corrosion protection to the existing watermain which is located along the west side of the old roadway.

St. Joseph Blvd. to Watters Road – Contractor will be installing the new transmission watermain under the future southbound lanes.

Watters Road to Portobello – The Contractor will be performing earth excavation and place the granular road base along this section, for the new southbound lanes.

Portobello to Innes Road – Hydro One will be on site and commence installation of the new pole line on the west side of the roadway.

Old Montreal Road (Trim to Cardinal Creek) – the contractor may commence the installation of new storm sewers.

St. Joseph Blvd. (Trim to Tenth Line Road) – Contractor is scheduled to continue with tree removal along the north side of the roadway, and continue to place earth fill for the two new westbound lanes.

Click on below Link to view Trim Road video that is on the City of Ottawa’s web page.

Joe Mojsej, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager
Design & Construction – Municipal East Branch
City of Ottawa


Trim Road Realignment Update #10
(November 8, 2013)

What to Expect in November & December 2013 – Trim Road Re-Alignment Project

OR  174 to Dairy Road – Utility relocations are to be completed and the existing overhead lines are to be removed from the east side of the road.  Installation of new storm sewers will take place.

Dairy Drive to Watters Road – The existing roadway’s asphalt pavement will be removed by the contractor.  The contractor will commence the excavation of the western portion of the hill between St. Joseph Blvd and Watters Road.

Watters Road to Portobello – The Contractor will install new transmission watermains between Portobello and the north leg of Springridge Drive.  Contractor may commence to construct the two new southbound lanes (weather permitting).

Watters Road (Montcrest to Trim) – New watermain will be completed on the south side of the road and the roadway will be reinstated with a  temporary lift of asphalt pavement.

Old Montreal Road (Trim to Cardinal Creek) – the contractor may commence the installation of new storm sewers.

Frenette Street (Ludlow to Trim) – Contractor is scheduled to complete the placement of the roadway granular and place the first layer of asphalt pavement between Trim and Ludlow.

“Old”  Trim Road (Portobello to Valin) – The cul-de-sac will be constructed just south of Demeter Street.

St. Joseph Blvd. (Trim to Tenth Line Road) – Contractor is scheduled to commence tree removal along the north side of the roadway, and will start placing earth fill for the two new westbound lanes.

Joe Mojsej, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager
Design & Construction – Municipal East Branch
City of Ottawa

Trim Road Realignment Update #9
(September 5, 2013)

What to Expect in September & October 2013 – Trim Road Re-Alignment Project

– By the end of October, vehicular traffic will be moved to two (2) of the newly constructed lanes of the re-aligned Trim Road between Dairy Road and the Hydro Transmission Tower Corridor.  The new multi use pathway will be available on the east side of the new roadway for pedestrian and cyclist to use along this stretch of the new road.  Details regarding construction activities are noted below.

OR  174 to Dairy Road – Utility relocations are to be completed and the existing overhead lines are to be removed from the east side of the road.  Installation of new storm sewers will take place and construction of the new northbound lanes of the roadway will commence.

Dairy Drive to Watters Road
– Contractor will complete the placement of the roadway granulars, concrete curbs, asphalt pavement and street lighting for the new 2 northbound lanes.  The new multi use pathways will be completed along the east side of the roadway. Temporary traffic signals will be installed at the new Trim Road & Old Montreal Road intersection. Some of the new landscaping will be completed along the east side of the road corridor.

Watters Road to Hydro Transmission Tower Corridor – The new multi use pathways will be completed along the east side of the roadway. New streetlights will be installed and the landscaping will be completed along the east side of the road corridor. New traffic signals will be installed at the new Trim Road & Portobello/Springridge intersection and at the Trim/Trim/Park entrance location.  The new Trim roadway will be transitioned into the existing Trim Road just south of the Hydro Transmission corridor.

Watters Road (Montcrest to Trim) – New watermain will be installed on the south side of the road and the entire roadway will be reconstructed (new curbs, roadway granular, asphalt pavement, street lighting.)  Lane reductions will occur during non peak hours.

Taylor Creek Drive (Trim to St. Joseph Blvd.) – New sidewalk will be constructed along the south side of Taylor Creek Drive.

Old Montreal Road (Trim to Cardinal Creek) – the contractor will commence the excavation for the new roadway for the east bound lanes and commence placement of the new granular and concrete curbs for the roadway.

Frenette Street (Ludlowe to Trim) – Frenette street will be constructed from Ludlow to Trim Road.

Existing Trim Road (Portobello to Valin) – Once the new Trim Road is in service, existing Trim Road will become a local road between Demeter and Ludlowe.  A cul-de-sac will be constructed just south of Demeter Street.  Vehicles will be required to utilize Valin and Portobello to access the new Trim Road.  Please refer to the attached plan (PDF).

Joe Mojsej, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager
Design & Construction – Municipal East Branch
City of Ottawa

Trim Road Realignment Update #8
(July 26, 2013)

What to Expect in July & August 2013 on Trim Road

Dairy Drive to Old Montreal Road – contractor will complete installation of storm sewers and commence the earth excavation for the new northbound lanes of the new roadway.  Contractor will also place granular subbase for new northbound lanes. Contractor will also undertake the necessary reconstruction of Dairy Road, east of Trim Road.

Old Montreal Road to Watters Road – Contractor will continue to place granular subbase for new northbound lanes.  Installation of below ground street lighting infrastructure will take place along with the installation of the concrete curbs.

Watters Road to Portobello – Contractor will be installing the below ground street lighting infrastructure and install the concrete curbs. Once the curbs are in place, the contractor will place the top layer of granular road base materials.

Portobello to Hydro Transmission Tower Corridor – Contractor will place the top layer of granular road base materials, and it is anticipated that the first layer of asphalt pavement will be placed.

The contractor will also continue with the installation of the new street lighting system at the intersection of Trim Road and OR 174. Off –peak lane reductions will be required on the OR 174 to complete this work safely.

Watermain replacement on Watters Road, between Montcrest and Trim Road is also scheduled to take place this summer.

Vehicular traffic will continue to utilize existing Trim Road during July and August.  No major traffic disruptions are expected over this time period.

Public Art for Trim Road
In keeping with the City of Ottawa’s Percent for Art Policy a Call to Artists will be issued shortly inviting artists to apply to develop, design and implement a public art commission to be installed within the limits of the Trim Road Realignment project.  The City of Ottawa Public Art Program is seeking an artist or artist team to create a work of art integrated into the Trim Road Realignment Project that demonstrates contemporary artistic excellence; inspires intrigues and engages; is safe for the public and is made of highly permanent materials.

During the public art competition residents will be invited to a Public Art Consultation to view the shortlisted proposals and give feedback and comments to the Art Selection Committee.

For more information on the Call to Artists and the future Public Art Consultation visit our facebook page, go to or contact

Trim Road Realignment Update #7
(June 10, 2013)

What to Expect in June 2013

Utility companies are continuing with the necessary utility relocation work between the North service Road and St. Joseph Blvd. Hydro One will also be completing the installation of the new poles and wiring on Old Montreal Road, east of Trim Road.

Coco Paving will continue with the earth excavation works for the new stormwater management pond that will be located east of the Trim Road Park & Ride facility.  They are also continuing with earth excavation work along the Trim Road corridor between Old Montreal Road and the Hydro Transmission Tower corridor.

During the second half of this month, the contractor will commence the installation of the new watermain on the new Trim Road alignment, between Antigonish and Watters Road. This work will be within the future Trim Road corridor.

Coco Paving will continue with the placement of the granular road base for the new roadway between Watters Road and the Hydro Transmission Tower Corridor (south of Springridge).

The contractor is also scheduled to start the installation of the below ground infrastructure required for the new street lights and traffic signals at the Watters and the Portobello intersections.  They will also commence the work associated with the new street lighting system at the intersection of Trim Road and OR 174. Off –peak lane reductions will be required on the OR 174 to complete this work safely.

The contractor’s concrete subcontractor is scheduled to be on site during June to commence the installation of the concrete curbs along the new roadway.

Joe Mojsej, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager
Design & Construction – Municipal East Branch
City of Ottawa

Trim Road Realignment Update #6
(May 15, 2013)

Good afternoon,

What to Expect in May 2013

Utility companies will continue with the necessary utility relocation work between the North service Road and St. Joseph Blvd. Hydro One are currently on site installing new poles and wiring.  Once Hydro One has completed this work, Bell Canada’s contractor will mobilize to site to commence their necessary relocation works within this same area.

Coco Paving will commence earth excavation works for the new stormwater management pond that will be located east of the Trim Road Park & Ride facility.  They will also continue with earth excavation work along the Trim Road corridor between Springridge Drive and the Hydro Transmission Tower corridor.

The contractor will be installing the storm sewers between Old Montreal Road and Watters Road.  This work will be within the future Trim Road corridor.  A one (1) day road closure of Antigonish Road, just east of Trim Road, will be required to complete these works.

Bell Canada’s contractor will be installing below ground infrastructure on the west side of Trim Road between Old Montreal Road and Watters Road.

Coco Paving has already started the placement of the granular road base for the new roadway south of Watters Road.  This will continue in May and a second crew will commence placing granular road base south of Springridge Drive.

The contractor is also scheduled to start the installation of the below ground infrastructure required for the new street lights and traffic signals at the Watters and the Portobello intersections.  They will also commence the work associated with the new street lighting system at the intersection of Trim Road and OR 174. Off –peak lane reductions will be required on the OR 174 to complete this work safely.

Joe Mojsej, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager
Design & Construction – Municipal East Branch
City of Ottawa

Trim Road Realignment Update #5
(April 4, 2013)

What to Expect in April 2013

Coco Paving will continue to undertake the earth excavation work (i.e. big dig along the hill) between Old Montreal Road and Watters Road.  This work will be limited to the future Trim Road corridor and will not directly impact traffic.

Utility companies will continue with the necessary utility relocation work between the North service Road and St. Joseph Blvd. Hydro One are currently on site installing new poles and wiring.  Once Hydro One have completed this work, Rogers Cablevision will mobilize to site to commence their necessary relocation works within this same area.

Coco Paving have already started the excavation work for the new roadway south of Watters Road and south of Springridge Drive.  This will be followed by the placement of the granular road base materials later this month, weather dependent.

The contractor will be making use of street sweepers and water flusher trucks to remove the “mud” that is tracked onto Trim Road and the adjoining side streets. Additional efforts will be employed during the Spring to reduce the build-up of debris along the roadways.

Joe Mojsej, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager
Design & Construction – Municipal East Branch
City of Ottawa

Trim Road Realignment Update #4
(March 8, 2013)

What to Expect in March 2013

The contractor will be installing storm sewers on Dairy Road between South Frontage Road and Trim Road. They will then continue with the storm sewer installation on the east side of Trim Road from Dairy Road to Old Montreal Road.  The majority of this work is off of the traveled roadways and will not impact traffic.

The contractor will complete the installation of the large box culvert in the ravine, south of Springridge Drive. Once the culvert has been installed, the contractor will then commence to fill the ravine for the new Trim Road.   These works will be on the future road corridor and will not impact local traffic.

Coco Paving will continue to undertake the earth excavation work (i.e. big dig along the hill) between Old Montreal Road and Watters Road.  This work will also be limited to the future Trim Road corridor and will not directly impact traffic.

Utility companies have commenced the necessary utility relocation work between the North service Road and St. Joseph Blvd. This work will take a few months to complete.

As mentioned before, it is our priority to ensure the safety of the public during construction, but we need your co-operation to make it safer for everyone.  Please stay clear of all construction equipment and open excavations. If applicable, please tell your children about the dangers of playing near a construction area.

Joe Mojsej, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager
Design & Construction – Municipal East Branch
City of Ottawa

Contractor’s Work Schedule
(February 14, 2013)

Please find below a plan of the Trim Road Re-alignment project that depicts the contractors proposed work schedule. As noted, the final layer of asphalt pavement is scheduled to be placed in 2015. Also, some of the final landscaping will not be performed in conjunction with each phase of the road construction.

All new roadways are scheduled to be placed into service by November 2014, with final project completion in June 2015.

Please note that this schedule is provided for information purposes only, and is subject to change…

Joe Mojsej

Key Plan – Contractor Schedule.pdf

Trim Road Realignment Update #3
(February 7, 2013)

What to Expect in February  2013

The contractor will continue with the installation of storm sewers between Watters Road the north leg of Springridge Drive. The north leg of Springridge Drive will be closed to traffic (except) for buses for two days in late February to permit the installation of the new storm sewer at this location.

The contractor is continuing to install storm sewers south of Portobello and will be installing a large box culvert in the ravine.  These works will be on the future road corridor and will not impact local traffic.

Coco Paving will continue to undertake the earth excavation work (i.e. big dig along the hill)  between Watters Road and Old Montreal Road.  This work will also be limited to the future Trim Road corridor and will not directly impact traffic.

Utility companies have commenced the necessary utility relocation work between the North service Road and St. Joseph Blvd. This work will take a few months to complete.

An overall work schedule for this entire project will follow within the next two weeks.

As mentioned before, it is our priority to ensure the safety of the public during construction, but we need your co-operation to make it safer for everyone.  Please stay clear of all construction equipment and open excavations. If applicable, please tell your children about the dangers of playing near a construction area.

Joe Mojsej, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager
Design & Construction – Municipal East Branch
City of Ottawa

Trim Road Realignment Update #2
(December 12, 2012)

Construction Underway

Since late October 2012, the contractor (Coco Paving) has been stripping and removing the existing topsoil from the future Trim Road corridor. The contractor has also completed the first phase of the construction of the right turn lane extension on the eastbound 174 at Trim Road. Coco’s sewer subcontractor (Taggart construction) has also mobilized equipment and materials to the area south of Portobello/Springridge Drive and is making preparations to start installing storm sewers at this location.

What to Expect in December 2012 and January 2013

Work on site will increase significantly by the end of December and in early January 2013.

The contractor is planning to commence the installation of storm sewers in the vicinity of Park 18B (south of Portobello) and between the two Springridge Drive intersections.  These works will be on the future road corridor and will not impact local traffic.

Coco Paving are planning to commence the earth excavation work (i.e. big dig along the hill)  between Watters Road and Old Montreal Road.  This work will also be limited to the future Trim Road corridor and will not directly impact traffic.

The exiting house at the northeast corner of Trim and Watters Road will also be removed from the site as part of this project. The contractor will try to salvage this house and have it relocated to another site.

Utility companies will also mobilize to the site early in 2013 to start the necessary relocation works between the North service Road and St. Joseph Blvd.

As mentioned before, it is our priority to ensure the safety of the public during construction, but we need your co-operation to make it safer for everyone.  Please stay clear of all construction equipment and open excavations. If applicable, please tell your children about the dangers of playing near a construction area.

Joe Mojsej, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager
Design & Construction – Municipal East Branch
City of Ottawa

Trim Road Realignment

Realignment and Widening Plans

Below are the City’s realignment and widening plans for Trim road, pdf format (uploaded Nov 18/2012).


















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