OC Transpo Service Change Information

The CCCA received the following communication form OC Transpo:

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure the safety of all our customers and staff, OC Transpo is conducting a virtual outreach for the upcoming June 2021 Service Change, starting on June 20th.

Attached is a .PDF document highlighting information regarding OC Transpo’s June Service change and including how customers can get more detailed information for their specific travel needs through our website, Travel Planner and Customer Service.

Thank you very much in advance for your help in sharing information regarding the June Service Change with your groups, clients, residents and customers.

Wishing you a safe and wonderful summer season!

Service Changes PDF
Changements de service à partir du 20 juin 2021 FRA

OC Transpo Community Engagement / Engagement communautaire d’OC Transpo
OC Transpo Customer & Community Relations
Transportation Services Department | Direction générale des transports
City of Ottawa |Ville d’Ottawa
tel | tél (613) 842-3642
925 Belfast Rd., Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z4
Internal Mail Code 17-8000

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