We have received this important message from our Councillor’s office this morning. It brings clarification to the announcement made at the CCCA AGM. Here is the email:
Hello everyone,
At the Cardinal Creek Community Association Annual General Meeting of June 10th, 2021, I announced that Orléans was successful in its application for a share of federal infrastructure funding. I’d like to correct the announcement and tell you that the pathway directly behind Caprihani will not be paved. This was a mistake and I own it completely. The project description in the application was misleading and not accurate in describing the pathway that needs rehabilitation and improvement.
The pathway that will be rehabilitated is east of the waterway, between Cardinal Creek Park and Coyote Trail park. The photo below accurately showcases the location. It is a pathway I use often when I walk with Elliot and Norman, and I am familiar with its condition. It can use some love as it is in much worse shape than the rest of the network in the park. It’s location along the waterway presents unique challenges for construction, but that does not mean we will neglect its state and let it deteriorate further.
It is standard practice for staff from infrastructure, or parks or social services to submit applications on behalf of the City of Ottawa for Provincial and Federal funding programs, even if they include very short construction timelines, and even shorter application windows. In this case, the nearest street needed to be included for reference and did not consider the pathway that IS behind Caprihani. The process is not perfect and I have connected with them in the last few days to review and share learnings. As more information related to this project becomes available, I will be sharing with the community and community association.
Announcements like this one rarely creates unanimity. I know that there are some that will delight at this news and others that will be upset. I also know that this episode has caused frustration and panic. For those unhappy with this new development, I offer my sincere apologies.
We have been and will continue to be at our best for our community when we collaborate. In the last few days, I received correspondence that included heated rhetoric and veiled language. This is unnecessary. It will not deter me from working hard for you, using every tool made available to me, pursuing any opportunities to invest in our community. Dollars from all levels of government play a critical role in making Orléans a community to live, work, play and accessible for all.
I take away learnings from this experience. For me, it continues to reinforce the value of public meetings and consultation. Some of our best ideas and opportunities have been the result of getting our community together to look over some plans and give you the opportunity to engage with me, my team and city staff. We, as residents, know our communities best and together we can move forward. I wholeheartedly commit to holding these meetings in person as soon as it is safe to do so. I am reminded of how much we support each other, as well as how much more effective and productive we are as a team when we work together instead of against each other.
As always, I am here for you. You can reach me at this email, or via phone at 613-580-2471.
– Matt
Councillor Matt Luloff
Ward 1 – Orléans